Ray Grabowski wants to bring an era back. He wants to bring us back to a time when people just simply got together to hear amazing musical talent and looked forward to a night out of dancing and fun.
Ray is the creator of Swingman, a contemporary band with Swing and Blues overtones created exclusively for your dancing pleasure and for those who appreciate good music. Whether you choose to listen, tap your shoes, or cut the rug on the dance floor, you are sure to be entertained!
Included in the evening will be live performances by professional and amateur dancers mingling with the audience to give the opportunity to participate and be part of the performance. Enjoy the sounds of Swing, cha-cha, jitterbug, rumba and much more.
Bring your dancing shoes and join Swingman for an evening of great dancing and live musical entertainment.
The group is comprised of five talented musicians with years of performing, arranging, and composing experience.
Ray Grabowski - Drums, Sax
Rich Fischer - Lead Guitar
Paul "Butch" Mastranda - Bass
Lead vocals:
Kim Latiano
Backup vocals:
Beth Roeland
Logo Artwork by Illustrator/Graphic Artist Darin Olsen.